Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep
The black and white image at the bottom of this article captures a striking moment in the last few minutes of this little one’s life. I created the image a few years ago for N.I.L.M.D.T.S. (Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep, a volunteer group that provides lasting photographs to parents with infants who are dying or have passed,) as part of our ongoing community service efforts here at the studio.
I cannot comprehend the grand plan of who lives and who dies in this world, I am here to learn, love and serve.

This article entitled “Preserving Babies’ Last Moment” was published in the Virginia Pilot on 04-12-09 in the Sunday Break.
NILMDTS gives the gift of portraiture and DVD recordings to the parents infant loss (as early as 20 weeks gestation). These beautiful images of their babies, not only create lasting memories, but are also important for the healing process.
It is by the family’s request that an NILMDTS-affiliated photographer will come to your hospital or HOSPICE location and then conduct a sensitive portrait session.
NILMDTS is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, and there are no fees for this service.